Green Thumb

Green Thumb

Sometimes we end up outside and this one was a fun one!

The homeowners originally had wanted to move their shed from one side of the property to the other for better sunlight exposure and then had asked for a simple fence around for a garden. And then the idea exploded…hugely. Long story short, our friend and landscaper, ended up coming over and helping them envision how the space could really evolve. 50 dump trucks of dirt later, a massive hillside was built out, trees removed and a beautiful custom water feature with large boulders and a pond were brought to life.

And the garden space grew to be a 40′ square space with raised garden beds, a beautiful gate. All black cattle fencing and rough sawn red cedar posts with a gorgeous trellis entry space. Now it’s a garden where dreams become reality and the view out of the house into the yard is so pretty year-round.
